Saturday, March 12, 2011

I'm 39 Weeks pregnant and swollen?

I'm 39 weeks pregnant and I've been swollen for a little less than a week. My husband and i have had sex twice in a week; It seems like after sex it only gets worse. I've read that its normal because the baby has dropped and putting pressure.. My issue it I'm only dilated one centimeter the baby has not dropped and i have a narrow pelvic bone. So is it still normal??

Why did I get red spots after picking/popping a black head? How do I get rid of them?

Ok so about an hour ago my mom kept picking/popping the black heads on my face and now the spots are turning a little red. Tomorrow is probably going to be worse and I have school which really sucks. Im about to go to sleep and I need to know what I can do to reduce or get rid of the red spots for tomorrow? Please help tomorrow is valentines day

Nose ring is a little red and raised?

I got my nose pierced a little over a month ago, i still have the original bar in, it was looking good until about a week ago it's looking a little red and the area around the nose ring looks slightly raised. it doesn't seem to be getting worse, it's just there. what do i do about it?

Can port fowarding be a bad thing?

basically my friend is opening my port so we can set up a small server. i was just wondering if this means some one can hack my computer easier or something. Can this slow download speeds also? Is there anything bad that can happen by doing this?

Im 15 days late on my CREDIT CARD payments. Is it best if I pay them off? Or pay over, and then on time n/mo?

pay them off

Applying for a bank teller job...please let me know what you think about this sittuation?

If you do get this job, it will be a gift from God and you'll never see another opportunity like it with no diploma. You need to get that diploma - regardless of whether or not you get this job. You just might get it and you work that job like its nobody's business. Don't fudge it up - you have a golden opportunity to set your life right. Good for you and Good luck!

I just got my tongue pierced?

1 hr old hurts like a ***** and my tongue tip is numb.. is that normal? i cant even talk it hurts so bad is that normal? did anyone else go threw this when should it get better?