Friday, March 11, 2011

All good things must come to a end?

My family has always been financially sound, even through these rough times so I thought. About 3 hours ago me and my dad went out and he needed to get money from the ATM from the Wawa and then we where going to go to the Giant (its a supermarket) when he came back he did not seem like anything was wrong. In the store, I just got yogurt and stuff for coffee, fruits, things for breakfast. When we left nothing seemed wrong with him, til we got home and he left the garage door open and I asked,"did you leave the door open?" He yelled at me and got really pissed off, when he parked the car he jumped out slammed the door and opened the trunk grabs some of the stuff and was doing it very aggressively, I was still in the car processing this, all trying to find out what just happened. Went I got in the house he was still acting pissed off and my mom said hey and he just stormed off to his office and slammed the door. My mom asked what I did and I told her I don't know and told her what just happened. Then we made jokes about it and shoved it off. I went to my room did my homework and found my parents talking. I over heard, alright so how much do you have and my dad answered $1,000 in my office. Alright well I need money you better give me some, I'm going to Texas tomorrow and I can't use my credit card. I thought my dad got $1,000 from the ATM and I asked, "whats wrong" wondering why he got so much. he said nothing. So I got ready to go for a run on our treadmill and my dad came down, my dad said alright I am going to tell you whats really going on because you asked. I stopped him and told him I don't want to know its your business you don't have to tell me. I think deep down in my subconscious I knew what he was going to say and thats why I said that. But he still told me and said. I went to the ATM and we have no money, I have -$1,000 in the bank. I did not know what to say or do so I just got on the treadmill and ran. He was still in the room and I just did not know how to handle that situation. Now I keep thinking about it and my parents are saying not to worry but Im a smart kid and I know thats when you worry. Im scared. I know whats going to happen now and I'm not going to like it. This has happened to some of my friends, I haven't seen them for along time. My parents are fighting right now, I can hear them. Im trying to keep a straight face and keeping strong not to worry my younger sisters its hard. Should I not listen to my parents and worry?

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